Agriculture possesses the power to harm or heal and impacts society in many ways. Agriculture feeds the world, impacts economic development, and can help create a more sustainable, equitable economic system.

rte small
RTE Group

Export fresh products of excellent quality, maximizing added value through an efficient human team, with a sense of belonging, as well as high social and environmental standards.

We are the RTE group that has been working in Peru for more than 20 years, strengthening its enormous agro-export potential.

Our main objective is to show the world the richness of our land and its fruits through RTE Group, made up of the group of companies RTE Agrícola SAC, RTE Fresh SAC, RTE Amazon SAC and RTE Europe.

Our main markets such as USA, Canada Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Chile, Switzerland and Russia enjoy fresh and quality agricultural products thanks to our expert team in agriculture and export.

More than 20 years exporting fruit and vegetables to the world.

A Full of Life Revolution

We aim to give people a fresh new food experience and change eating habits by making truly natural flavors and textures available at anytime, anywhere in the world.

A technology that preserves the real taste of food

The Nice Tech 100% physical process retains all the key elements of food, so it stays full of flavor, nutrients and life! This is food frozen in a new way, with consistent quality, bringing new opportunities for food production, processing and distribution. Frozen as if it hadn’t been frozen: NICE! 

A unique, 100%
physical process

Zero preservatives. Zero chemicals.

Nothing has been added and everything healthy and good is retained. The structure of the food is unchanged after defrosting – even years later – the same freshness, texture and taste as the moment it was harvested.